1- Heart is the only organ in the body which never rest throughout the entire life.
2- The heart begins beating at four weeks after conception and does not stop until death.
3- Every cell in your body gets blood from your heart, except for your corneas.
4-The average heart beats about 60-100 times per minute, over 100,000 times a day.
5-The heart weighs about 300g and is about the size of your fist.
6- Your heart pumps about 2,000 gallons of blood every day.
7- The heart can continue beating even when it is disconnected from the body as long as it has a supply of oxygen.
8- The beating sound of your heart is caused by the valves of the heart opening and closing.
9-A woman's average heartbeat is faster than a man's. You can control your heart health through diet, exercise and managing stress.
10-The heart generates its own electrical impulses to control its rhythm, independent of the brain. It forms a natural pacemaker called the sinoatrial (SA) node, which generates electrical signals to regulate the heartbeat.
11-Although it might not seem apparent, the human heart is an incredibly strong muscle. It has enough force to shoot blood up to 30 feet (9 meters) in the air if a major artery or vein is severed.
12- The heart and brain continuously communicate with each other through the vagus nerve and other pathways. This two-way communication allows the heart to send signals to the brain that can influence perception, emotions, and decision-making.
Heart is often associated with love and romance, the heart is not responsible for our emotions. However, emotions can influence the heart's rate and rhythm through the autonomic nervous system.