NEET - Chemistry

Medical/NEET - Chemistry
  • 2
  • 345
  • 25
    Mock Test

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This Course is based on the syllabus prepared on the basis of National Curriculum Framework (2005) & National Education Policy (2021). It goes beyond many of the limitations of traditional teaching.
The new Framework and education Policy consider language as the richest resource of a child's personality and integrates it with every subject in the curriculum. Because of this, We are providing Interactive Video Sessions, study materials and exercises that should reflect the totality of the child's linguistic development.
This course of NEET Chemistry introduces comprehensive and resource-enriched curriculum that goes beyond the familiar confines of language teaching, giving new Linguistic dimensions to the child's curiosity.

Course content

NEET - Chemistry Premium

  • 2
  • 250
  • 95

NEET | Chemistry Topic Test-01 | Electrochemistry- Mock Test

NEET | Chemistry Topic Test-02 | Thermochemistry- Mock Test

NEET | Chemistry Topic Test-03 | Chemical Thermodynamics- Mock Test

NEET | Chemistry Topic Test-04 | Covalent Bonding and Fajan's Rule- Mock Test

NEET | Chemistry Topic Test-05 | Chemical Bonding- Mock Test

NEET | Chemistry Topic Test-06 | Periodic Properties- Mock Test

NEET | Chemistry Topic Test-07 | Chemical Equilibrium- Mock Test

NEET | Chemistry Topic Test-08 | First Order Reaction Kinetics- Mock Test

NEET | Chemistry Topic Test-09 | Integrated Rate Law, Zero Order Reaction and Questions- Mock Test

NEET | Chemistry Topic Test-10 | Alkanes- Mock Test

NEET | Chemistry Topic Test-11 | Chemical Kinetics- Mock Test

NEET | Chemistry Topic Test-12 | IUPAC nomenclature- Mock Test

NEET | Chemistry Topic Test-13 | Spectrum- Mock Test

NEET | Chemistry Topic Test-14 | Electronic configuration- Mock Test

NEET | Chemistry Topic Test-15 | Quantum Numbers- Mock Test

NEET | Chemistry Topic Test-16 | Isotopes, Isobars, Isotones, Isoelectronic, Isodiaphers, and Isosters- Mock Test

NEET | Chemistry Topic Test-17 | Introduction to Atomic Structure- Mock Test

NEET | Chemistry Topic Test-18 | Boyle's and Charle's Law- Mock Test

NEET | Chemistry Topic Test-19 | Barometer, Manometer and Equivalent Height- Mock Test

NEET | Chemistry Topic Test-20 | Introduction and Parameters- Mock Test

NEET | Chemistry Topic Test-21 | Stoichiometry- Mock Test

NEET | Chemistry Topic Test-22 | Empirical Formula- Mock Test

NEET | Chemistry Topic Test-23 | Percentage Composition- Mock Test

NEET | Chemistry Topic Test-24 | Mole Concept- Mock Test

NEET | Chemistry Topic Test-25 | Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry- Mock Test

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